Sz. Rózsa | 2020-07-29

Communication and Outreach Branch

Everything about the Communication and Outreach Branch: Objectives, Structure, Activities and Contact Information


The Communication and Outreach Branch provides the Association with communi­cation, educational/public information and outreach links to the membership, to other scientific Associa­tions and to the world as a whole.

The Communication and Outreach Branch:

  • promotes the recognition and usefulness of geodesy in general and IAG in particular;
  • publishes informational materials, such as regular newsletters, brochures, leaflets;
  • supports membership development;
  • acts as a general information service within the Association;
  • develops and supports outreach activities.

We also assist the IAG Secretary General in:

  • maintaining the IAG Website and social media presence;
  • setting up Association schools;
  • setting up meetings and conferences.

Program of activities

COB develops and maintains the official IAG website and the IAG Newsletter published electronically monthly  as well as the printed version published in the Journal of Geodesy. 

We also organize and edit the montly column in the GIM International magazine devoted to IAG affairs and Geodesy in general. 

COB operates the Facebook and Twitter account of IAG.

COB supports the promotional activities of IAG with publishing brochures and handouts on geodesy as well as the Association.

Steering Committee

  • COB President: Szabolcs Rózsa (Hungary)
  • Ex officio voting members:
    • IAG Secretary General: Markku Poutanen (Finland)
    • Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Geodesy: Jürgen Kusche (Germany)
    • Editor-in-Chief of the IAG Symposia Series: Jeff Freymueller (USA)
  • other voting members:
    • Gyula Tóth (Hungary), COB Secretary and Editor of the IAG Newsletter
    • Anne Joergensen (Norway, UN-GGIM GGRF)
    • Husein Abd-Elmotaal (Egypt)
    • Nancy Wolfe-Kotary (USA)
    • TBD (South America)
    • TBD (Asia Pacific)
  • permanent guests (non-voting):
    • Zuheir Altamimi (France), IAG President
    • Richard Gross (USA), IAG Vice President
    • Harald Schuh (Germany), IAG Immediate-Past President

COB Office

IAG Communication and Outreach Branch

c/o Department of Geodesy and Surveying

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

P.O.Box 91, H-1521 Budapest, Hungary

Phone: +36-1-463-3213, E-mail:


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