Sz. Rozsa | 2024-08-31

Africa Rising: Shaping Our Common Future Through Geodesy

In addressing global challenges like climate change, urbanization, and sustainable resource management, accurate geodetic data is crucial. We aim to elevate the global geodesy supply chain, align geodetic science with policymaking, and advance research through multidisciplinary cooperation.

Central to our agenda is integrating the African perspective to address unique challenges and contributions. 

This meeting focuses on advancing UN Resolution 69/22, “A Global Geodetic Reference Frame (#GGRF) for Sustainable Development,” fostering discussions among Member States, international organizations, and geospatial experts. One of the key topics to be discussed the 1st Joint Development Plan for Global Geodesy, aiming to accelerate progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

The meeting will be held on September 27, 2024 8.30-10.00 (EDT) 

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The Agenda of the Summit is available here:

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